Friday, June 14, 2024

The Progressive Era

You never tend to hear such antiwar solid voices in the news because there are so many one-sided news sources that only write about the things that they agree with. Very few news sources mention both sides of war or current events, so people have had to make their own sources to discuss the truth and complete stories about war. Due to so many news sources only discussing one side of world events, people only believe what is said. Also, much of society tends to gravitate towards big new source names, contributing to this issue of people not knowing entire stories. Today, unless it is considered a reliable source, many people do not believe what they read from somewhere, even if it is accurate until it is put into a "reliable source." However, these "reliable sources" have to get their research from somewhere, so there is a chance that the research comes from a more minor source.

I am guilty of just looking at the popular news sources because they are what I know and are reliable. Even though I realize I am not getting the entire story of everything, I have been raised to refer to specific news sources. I have never really ventured out, but now I realize that I should because there have been so many times that I want both sides to understand everything before I form an opinion on the subject. I am confident I am not the only person who does this. I know many people who use the same few sources for their news. Almost everyone I know only uses one source majority and is shocked when they find out the other side days later when their source decides to report on it. Even in schools today, they tell students to only use specific sources, eliminating the possibility of hearing both sides.

Personally, I think you have to find obscure websites to hear strong voices against antiwar because big-name news sources are afraid of telling the entire truth if it does not follow what they stand for. If they do what they are against by telling the truth, they risk losing support from readers and watchers because they will be seeing what they do not want to see, so they will become angered, which will affect the entire company. For example, if all of a sudden, Fox News switches sides and starts the opposing side so that viewers will get the whole story, everyone will get mad, including the reporters, no matter if they are getting the entire story to so many people, that is not what is essential. People want to hear their opinions, so they never venture from what they know.

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